• Location : 169-0073 Tokyo-to, Shinjuku-tu Hyakunincho 3-9-9 (Sun Heights)
  • Telephone number : 03-6356-9790
  • Fax number : 03-6670-0253
  • Building type : Reinforced concrete (2DK)
  • Size : 9조
  • Transportation : 7 min walk from Okubo / 10 min walk from Takadanobaba
  • Characteristic : 1. Convenient to buy Korean groceries because it is a
    short walk to the Shinokubo Korean town.
    2. Quiet residential area near the dormitory, 100 shop,
    supermarket etc.
    Surrounding facilities: 100 shop, supermarket, park

Section Check in fee Facility fee Monthly fee 3 months total
Single room(B) 40,000¥ 70,000¥ 106,000¥ 428,000¥
Double room(A) 40,000¥ 40,000¥ 55,000¥ 245,000¥

  • television, refrigerator, microwave oven, table, chair, laundry machine, oshiire, bed, rice cooker, free internet.

Station Estimated time Price Commuter pass
Okubo 7 min walk - -
Dakadanobaba 10 min walk - -
Shinokubo 12 min walk - -
Shinjuku 2 min subway ride 140¥ 3,880¥
Yoyogi 4 min subway ride 140¥ 3,880¥
Ikebukuro 7 min subway ride 160¥ 4,850¥

Station surrounding schools
Walk (bicycle) MCA, Samu, Kai, Eastwest, Sendagaya, Tokyo Japanese culture, Human, JCLI, TS, ISI, MCA, Tokyo World, Waseda Edu, Tokyo International, Waseda외전, etc.
Subway Yamano, Tokyo central, Arc, Meros, Naganuma, Topa, Aoyama Japanese School, Aoyama School, ATI, Ahn language, Dynamic, Akamongkai, etc.